New Season Arrivals
New Season Arrivals

make it personal
You can personalize your pajama sets and bathrobes by adding your desired monogram. The monogram can be embroidered on the sleeve of the bathrobe and on the cuff or pocket of both men's and women's silk pajamas.
This way, your MAIA becomes even more special. It’s the perfect idea if you want to delight someone you care about.
The maximum allowed for the monogram is 2 characters, and the service incurs an additional charge of up to €20.
We are aware that our clients are very strong individuals with strong characters who give their special impression to everything they do.

make it personal
You can personalize your pajama sets and bathrobes by adding your desired monogram. The monogram can be embroidered on the sleeve of the bathrobe and on the cuff or pocket of both men's and women's silk pajamas.
This way, your MAIA becomes even more special. It’s the perfect idea if you want to delight someone you care about.
The maximum allowed for the monogram is 2 characters, and the service incurs an additional charge of up to €20.
We are aware that our clients are very strong individuals with strong characters who give their special impression to everything they do.
gift with every set
With every chosen women's silk pyjama set, we will surprise you with a silk turban and a silk eye mask in the color of the set, while with every men's silk pyjama set, you will receive a pillow, which will enhance the enjoyment of MAIA pieces. Take care of your beauty and let your confidence grow.

gift with every set
With every chosen women's silk pyjama set, we will surprise you with a silk turban and a silk eye mask in the color of the set, while with every men's silk pyjama set, you will receive a pillow, which will enhance the enjoyment of MAIA pieces. Take care of your beauty and let your confidence grow.

As a timeless fashion detail made famous by Hollywood divas like Greta Garbo and Elizabeth Taylor, the silk turban is also part of the Maia.homedress silk collection. A detail that makes a difference and whose brilliance does not fade over time, but gains more and more importance, is the statement accessories of every bold and self-confident woman. Or more precisely - Maia.homedress women.

As a timeless fashion detail made famous by Hollywood divas like Greta Garbo and Elizabeth Taylor, the silk turban is also part of the Maia.homedress silk collection. A detail that makes a difference and whose brilliance does not fade over time, but gains more and more importance, is the statement accessories of every bold and self-confident woman. Or more precisely - Maia.homedress women.

elegant packaging
We keep in mind that every Maia.homedress piece is a special occasion gift whether you buy it for yourself or others. Therefore, it arrives to you nicely and carefully packed in an elegant black box made of hard cardboard, wrapped in fragrant paper.

elegant packaging
We keep in mind that every Maia.homedress piece is a special occasion gift whether you buy it for yourself or others. Therefore, it arrives to you nicely and carefully packed in an elegant black box made of hard cardboard, wrapped in fragrant paper.
Premium fragrance for clothing designed to enhance the enjoyment of your favorite silk pieces. Silk, as a material that gently caresses your skin, deserves special care. Just like you do. Maia.CeremonyScent ensures that each piece remains preserved as it was the first day you wore it, deepening your much-needed moments of relaxation and enjoyment. Natural ingredients protect and enhance the quality of the silk, infusing it with a mild sensual scent that lasts all day and positively affects your mood and sleep quality with its soothing effect.
MAIA.CEREMONYSCENT, imbued with lavish notes of jasmine, bergamot, wild rose petals, and lavender, represents a harmonious blend of the most luxurious natural oils of premium quality, resulting in an alluring fragrance with deep psychosomatic effects on all senses.
Wrapped in a silk robe freshly scented with MAIA.CEREMONYSCENT, each breath reminds you of the luxury and comfort you deserve.
Experience a new level of luxury and self-care with MAIA.CEREMONYSCENT—where luxury and care merge in every fragrant embrace.

Premium fragrance for clothing designed to enhance the enjoyment of your favorite silk pieces. Silk, as a material that gently caresses your skin, deserves special care. Just like you do. Maia.CeremonyScent ensures that each piece remains preserved as it was the first day you wore it, deepening your much-needed moments of relaxation and enjoyment. Natural ingredients protect and enhance the quality of the silk, infusing it with a mild sensual scent that lasts all day and positively affects your mood and sleep quality with its soothing effect.
MAIA.CEREMONYSCENT, imbued with lavish notes of jasmine, bergamot, wild rose petals, and lavender, represents a harmonious blend of the most luxurious natural oils of premium quality, resulting in an alluring fragrance with deep psychosomatic effects on all senses.
Experience a new level of luxury and self-care with MAIA.CEREMONYSCENT—where luxury and care merge in every fragrant embrace.

Mulberry silk pillowcases
Dream the sweetest dreams with Maia.homedress Mulberry silk pillowcases available in Silver and Champagne colors, offering numerous benefits for your skin, hair, and sleep quality.

Mulberry silk pillowcases
Dream the sweetest dreams with Maia.homedress Mulberry silk pillowcases available in Silver and Champagne colors, offering numerous benefits for your skin, hair, and sleep quality.
MAIA.CEREMONYSCENT – prvi miris za svilu na domaćem tržištu
Poznati domaći brend Maia.homedress oduvek je važio za jednu od onih etiketa kojoj se okrećemo u potrazi za najfinijim komadima od svile koji predstavljaju imperativ ženstvenosti. Međutim, poznata etiketa nas je sada zapitala da li u svoju parfemsku rutinu treba da dodamo i mirise za svilu? Odgovor je naravno – da. Mirisi za svilu predstavljaju esencijalni komad svih žena koje brinu o sebi i favorizuju pomenuti delikatni materijal. Stoga, u nastavku otkrivamo sve detalje o novom poglavlju obožavanog brenda i donosimo razlog više za razmatranje kupovine mirisa za svilu.

MAIA.CEREMONYSCENT – prvi miris za svilu na domaćem tržištu
Poznati domaći brend Maia.homedress oduvek je važio za jednu od onih etiketa kojoj se okrećemo u potrazi za najfinijim komadima od svile koji predstavljaju imperativ ženstvenosti. Međutim, poznata etiketa nas je sada zapitala da li u svoju parfemsku rutinu treba da dodamo i mirise za svilu? Odgovor je naravno – da. Mirisi za svilu predstavljaju esencijalni komad svih žena koje brinu o sebi i favorizuju pomenuti delikatni materijal. Stoga, u nastavku otkrivamo sve detalje o novom poglavlju obožavanog brenda i donosimo razlog više za razmatranje kupovine mirisa za svilu.

MAIA.CEREMONYSCENT - premium garment scent gde se luksuz i nega spajaju u svakom mirisnom zagrljaju
Novo poglavlje priče o luksuzu i neprolaznoj eleganciji domaći brend Maia.homedress započinje predstavljanjem MAIA.CEREMONYSCENT-a, kreiranog u saradnji sa kozmetičkim brendom Aromatherapist.
Maia.Homedress predstavio je prvi domaći garment scent za svilu
U prijatnoj atmosferi MAIA.HOMEDRESS Premium Store-a održana je ove nedelje promocija istoimenog brenda iza koga stoji dizajnerska Marija Ivković. Tom prilikom okupio se veliki broj ljubitelja mode i luksuznih svilenih komada, kojima je predstavljen i inovativni – MAIA.CEREMONYSCENT, prvi garment scent za svilu proizveden u Srbiji, kreiran u saradnji sa brendom Aromatherapist.

MAIA.CEREMONYSCENT - premium garment scent gde se luksuz i nega spajaju u svakom mirisnom zagrljaju
Novo poglavlje priče o luksuzu i neprolaznoj eleganciji domaći brend Maia.homedress započinje predstavljanjem MAIA.CEREMONYSCENT-a, kreiranog u saradnji sa kozmetičkim brendom Aromatherapist.

Maia.Homedress predstavio je prvi domaći garment scent za svilu
U prijatnoj atmosferi MAIA.HOMEDRESS Premium Store-a održana je ove nedelje promocija istoimenog brenda iza koga stoji dizajnerska Marija Ivković. Tom prilikom okupio se veliki broj ljubitelja mode i luksuznih svilenih komada, kojima je predstavljen i inovativni – MAIA.CEREMONYSCENT, prvi garment scent za svilu proizveden u Srbiji, kreiran u saradnji sa brendom Aromatherapist.

MAIA.HOMEDRESS: Predstavljen inovativni MAIA.CEREMONYSCENT – prvi miris za svilu proizveden u Srbiji
U prijatnoj i intimnoj atmosferi održana je promocija brenda MAIA.HOMEDRESS, na čelu sa Marijom Ivković koja je okupila ljubitelje luksuznih svilenih komada i mode. Tokom promocije predstavljen je i inovativni — MAIA.CEREMONYSCENT — prvi garment scent za svilu proizveden u Srbiji, kreiran u saradnji s brendom Aromatherapist.

MAIA.HOMEDRESS: Predstavljen inovativni MAIA.CEREMONYSCENT – prvi miris za svilu proizveden u Srbiji
U prijatnoj i intimnoj atmosferi održana je promocija brenda MAIA.HOMEDRESS, na čelu sa Marijom Ivković koja je okupila ljubitelje luksuznih svilenih komada i mode. Tokom promocije predstavljen je i inovativni — MAIA.CEREMONYSCENT — prvi garment scent za svilu proizveden u Srbiji, kreiran u saradnji s brendom Aromatherapist.
Održana promocija brenda MAIA.HOMEDRESS i inovativnog MAIA.CEREMONYSCENT, prvog mirisa za svilu proizvedenog u Srbiji
U četvrtak, 26. septembra, u prijatnoj i intimnoj atmosferi održana je promocija brenda MAIA.HOMEDRESS, na čelu sa Marijom Ivković koja je okupila ljubitelje luksuznih svilenih komada i mode. Tokom promocije predstavljen je i inovativni - MAIA.CEREMONYSCENT, prvi garment scent za svilu proizveden u Srbiji, kreiran u saradnji sa brendom Aromatherapist.

Održana promocija brenda MAIA.HOMEDRESS i inovativnog MAIA.CEREMONYSCENT, prvog mirisa za svilu proizvedenog u Srbiji
U četvrtak, 26. septembra, u prijatnoj i intimnoj atmosferi održana je promocija brenda MAIA.HOMEDRESS, na čelu sa Marijom Ivković koja je okupila ljubitelje luksuznih svilenih komada i mode. Tokom promocije predstavljen je i inovativni - MAIA.CEREMONYSCENT, prvi garment scent za svilu proizveden u Srbiji, kreiran u saradnji sa brendom Aromatherapist.

Marija Ivković je posebno istakla novinu u brendu, inovativni garment scent namenjen svili
„MAIA.CEREMONYSCENT je više od običnog mirisa. Svaki njegov sastojak je pažljivo odabran. Luksuzne note jasmina, bergamota, ruže Damascene i lavande Vere stvaraju cvetnu sinergiju koja opušta. Da bi se proizvelo 30 grama apsoluta ruže, potrebno je čak 63 hiljade ruža. U ovom garment scentu nalazi se najkvalitetniji organski absolut ruže Damascene i organski absolut Jasmina poznate francuske firme Florihana. MAIA.CEREMONYSCENT na svili pruža osećaj potpunog zadovoljstva”.

Marija Ivković je posebno istakla novinu u brendu, inovativni garment scent namenjen svili
„MAIA.CEREMONYSCENT je više od običnog mirisa. Svaki njegov sastojak je pažljivo odabran. Luksuzne note jasmina, bergamota, ruže Damascene i lavande Vere stvaraju cvetnu sinergiju koja opušta. Da bi se proizvelo 30 grama apsoluta ruže, potrebno je čak 63 hiljade ruža. U ovom garment scentu nalazi se najkvalitetniji organski absolut ruže Damascene i organski absolut Jasmina poznate francuske firme Florihana. MAIA.CEREMONYSCENT na svili pruža osećaj potpunog zadovoljstva”.
Slow fashion is a concept we stick to. Socially responsible, sustainable, thoughtful, slow and detailed handmade production ensures the top quality of all Maia.homedress silk garments. We are admirers of old and good values, we believe in the right choices. We are aware that the pieces that our clients carefully choose and bring into their space are there to stay with them for years, if not generations.

Slow fashion is a concept we stick to. Socially responsible, sustainable, thoughtful, slow and detailed handmade production ensures the top quality of all Maia.homedress silk garments. We are admirers of old and good values, we believe in the right choices. We are aware that the pieces that our clients carefully choose and bring into their space are there to stay with them for years, if not generations.